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FSP Client software download

Here you can find latest source code distribution. FSP Client is developed in Bazaar VCS repository.

If you want to be informed about new software releases, subscribe at our Source Forge page. There is also fspclient-users mailing list.

Source code distribution

Up to date mirrors

  1. Primary location: Sourceforge release system
  2. Git repository: git://git.code.sf.net/p/fspclient/code
  3. Old versions mirrored: Ibiblio.org

Windows FSP client

FSP client compiled for Cygwin/Windows, with fspd server in one, easy to use package. Starting guide included.

Primary location:

  1. Sourceforge release system

You need C compiler which can compile POSIX code. Package uses Scons build framework. Older versions of this program can be also compiled in Cygwin environment.