FSP Client software copyright
Source code is copyrighted and uses 2-point BSD-like license which is also called MIT/X11 License:
FSP client version 0.0-h (pre-alpha)
This software is copyright 1992, 1993 Philip G. Richards, All
Rights Reserved. Any copies that are made of this code MUST keep an
unmodified copy of this notice within a file called README in the
same directory as the source code. This is a PRE-ALPHA release --
I would prefer that the code does not get posted to Usenet, thank-you
very much :-)
The author will accept no responsibility for any use or misuse of the
software, nor for any consequences produced by using it. In other
words, if it deletes all your files, don't blame me -- by using
it, you are accepting responsibility and liability. (It will not,
however, intentionally delete them -- it will have been an error.)
The author can be contacted (currently) as pgr@prg.oxford.ac.uk.
- Radim Kolar (Current FSP Client maintainer)
- Philip G. Richards